ReviewERP System des Jahres 2020

ERP competition: The winners have been chosen!

It was an exciting finale in 2020 in Frankfurt at the ERP Congress, which was also broadcast live on the Internet for the first time. High access figures in the livestream confirm the high interest in the best ERP systems. A total of 29 systems had applied, 13 had survived the preliminary decision of the jury and made it to the final. In the category Startup ERP for fast-growing companies, D&G Software, Vectotax and Optibit competed against each other. The winner was Vectotax with its solution TaxMetall. CVS Ingenieurgesellschaft and Abona Deutschland GmbH competed for the crown in the International ERP category. With a customer example in 30 countries and more than 3000 users, CVS convinced the jury with its solution Alphaplan.Traditionally one of the most important sub-competitions is the category “Automotive ERP”. In a photo finish, the Timeline Business Solution was able to win by a very narrow margin against PSI Automotive & Industry, which was also very good. In the category ERP for the high-tech industry Asseco fought against Dontenwill and the newcomer Helium. Asseco was able to take the prize back to Karlsruhe. The final in the platform ERP category was also very exciting. Here Modula, Werbas and Weclapp fought for the crown, which Weclapp could decide for itself. D&G-Software GmbH was awarded with the SME special prize, because in the opinion of the jury the ERP system VS/4 offers the best solution for small and medium-sized companies in the mail order business.

About the Center for Enterprise Research

The Center for Enterprise Research (CER), which is based at the Chair of Business Informatics at the University of Potsdam, bundles technology and knowledge transfer from research into practice. The CER offers a comprehensive range of training and consulting services for providers and users of ERP and ECM systems in business and the public sector. Our range of services extends from the design of the IT strategy to help with system selection and implementation to the certification of ERP systems. The employees of the CER have many years of experience in supporting projects in the ERP area. Under the direction of Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau, the results of scientific research have in many cases been successfully translated into practical solutions.

Contact Person

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau
phone: +49 (0)331/977-3322
fax: +49 (0)331/977-3406


Chair for Business Informatics, Processes and Systems | University of Potsdam
Prof. Norbert Gronau heads the Center for Industry 4.0 and holds the Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems at the University of Potsdam.

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