About GITO

Passionate about Information

The world of 4IR, IOT, IIOT, smart factory and ERP. All you want to know. All you need to know. All you should know to take the right decisions:

Factory Innovation                           factory-innovation.de
ERP Management                           erp-management.de
Industry 4.0 Science                        industry-science.com
GITO Shop                                       shop.gito.de
AIS Transactions                              www.aes-journal.com
Lexicon of Business Informatics      www.enzyklopaedie-der-wirtschaftsinformatik.de

The best specialist information on smart factory, Industry 4.0, digitilization, digital transformation and ERP. Expert knowledge to inspire and inform, in print and online, for German-speaking countries and internationally.


■ the leading journal on smart factory and 4IR market
■ illustrations on how factories excel with IIoT and Industry 4.0 / 4IR
■ guides for top executives making strategic decisions
■ the only magazine with independent product tests for Industry 4.0 / 4IR and smart factory
■ exclusive: accompanies the  “Factory Innovation Award” competition


■ the leading journal about the ERP market
■ provides key information on selection, implementation, and operation of ERP systems
■ exclusive: accompanies the best “ERP Systems of the Year” competition
■ independent product tests in cooperation with the Center of Enterprise Research (CER)


■ the leading information source for scientists and experts on 4IR
■ a unique view of all industrial business processes
■ long-term orientation on important future trends
■ key insights and inspiration for technical management


Published by GITO
GITO mbH Publishing House is a member of the Verband der Zeitschriftenverleger Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. (Association of Magazine Publishers Berlin-Brandenburg) and is based in Berlin-Charlottenburg.

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Martina Braun
GITO Publishing House
Kaiserdamm 23
14057 Berlin/Germany
Tel: +49 30 419383 64
E-Mail: martina.braun

Boris Bertram
GITO Publishing House
Kaiserdamm 23
14057 Berlin/Germany
Tel: +49 30 419383 64
E-Mail: boris.bertram
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GITO Publishing House
Kaiserdamm 23
14057 Berlin/Germany
Tel.: +49 30 419383 68
E-Mail: andrea.wollweber
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Sebastian Schwarz
GITO Publishing House
Kaiserdamm 23
14057 Berlin/Germany
Tel.: +49 30 419383 68
E-Mail: sebastian.schwarz
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Cosmin Condorache
GITO Publishing House
Kaiserdamm 23
14057 Berlin/Germany
Tel.: +49 30 419383 64
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