ERP Congress 2022

ERP Competition: The Winner Have Been Choosen!

It was an exciting finale this week in Frankfurt at the ERP Congress, which was broadcast live on the Internet for the first time. High access numbers in the live stream confirm the great interest in the best ERP systems. A total of 29 systems had applied, 13 had survived the preliminary decision of the jury and made it into the final. D&G Software , Vectotax and Optibit competed against each other in the Startup-ERP category for fast-growing companies . The winner was the Vectotax company with the TaxMetall solution. CVS Ingenieurgesellschaft and Abona Deutschland GmbH fought for the crown in the field of international ERP. With a customer example in 30 countries and over 3000 users, CVS convinced the jury with the Alphaplan solution . 

Traditionally one of the most important sub-competitions is the “Automotive ERP” category. In a photo finish, the Timeline Business Solution came out on top against the also very good PSI Automotive & Industry . In the ERP category for the high-tech industry, Asseco fought against Dontenwill and the newcomer Helium . Asseco was able to take the award to Karlsruhe. The final in the Platform ERP category was also very exciting. Here Modula , Werbas and Weclapp fought for the crown, which Weclapp won.

D&G-Software GmbH was awarded the SME special prize because the jury felt that the VS/4 ERP system offered the best solution for small and medium-sized mail order companies.

Next year the competition for the ERP system of the year will take place again, supplemented by an international prize round.

“A wonderful event, well organised!”

“Already made a first big and important contact –  just 2 days after 
the competition!”

“Great industry get-together!”

“The number of visitors from potentially interested parties has increased”


13.-14.10. 2020, Hilton Hotel Frankfurt am Main

  • The number of visitors admitted to the congress at the same time depends on the gross area occupied in October.
  • Admission: only with prior registration
  • Hygiene measures: disinfection options, free protective masks and wide corridors that ensure the safety distance
  • The stand area is 6 square meters, plus 1.5 m communication space in front of the exhibitor
  • The hygiene regulations to be observed also apply in the workshop (light orange area) and in the congress room (yellow area).
  • The room plan is subject to change and may still be changed if it does not comply with the Corona regulations.

You can find more information about how to get here HERE

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