
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ruskowski
 Technologie-Initiative SmartFactory KL e.V.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ruskowski ist Vorstandsvorsitzender der SmartFactory Kaiserslautern. Zudem leitet er den Forschungsbereich "Innovative Fabriksysteme" am DFKI und ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhles "Werkzeugmaschinen und Steuerungen" an der RPTU Kaiserslautern
Prof. Robert Schulz
Professor für Fördertechnik, Intralogistik & Techn. Logistik
Robert Schulz ist Professor für Fördertechnik, Intralogistik und Technische Logistik an der Universität Stuttgart.
Dr. Harald Hoff
Founder | HIR Hoff Industrie Rationalisierung GmbH
Dr. Hoff is one of the best-known and most prominent impartial MES Consultants concerning PPS and MES in the German-speaking area.. He was involved in the creation of the MES Guideline 5600 of the VDI and is the founder of HIR Hoff Industrie Rationalisierung GmbH.
Dr. Sander Lass
Chief Technology Officer | ZIP4.0
Dr. Sander Lass is CTO of the Center for Industry 4.0 in Potsdam (ZIP4.0). At ZIP4.0, he is primarily responsible for the technical design and architecture of the model factory.
Prof. Claus Oetter
Managing Director | VDMA Software and Digitalization
Prof. Claus Oetter is Managing Director of the Software and Digitalization Association and Head of the Department of Computer Science at the VDMA in Frankfurt am Main. He is a Professor at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in software engineering for artificial intelligence.
Prof. Gerrit Sames
Prof. Gerrit Sames is a Board Member of Smart Electronic Factory e.V. He is also a Professor of business administration at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) in Giessen, specializing in organization and ERP systems.
Prof. Hanna Theuer
Editor-in-Chief | Factory Innovation and visiting professor | Berlin School of Economics and Law
Prof. Dr. Hanna Theuer is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Factory Innovation and visiting professor for transformative technologies at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.
Prof. Lisa Gunnemann
Professor of Manufacturing Processes and Quality Management | FH Dortmund
Prof. Lisa Gunnemann heads the Lean Labor at the FH Dortmund and is a Professor of manufacturing processes and quality management. Her research interests include the design of resilient and sustainable production systems.
Prof. Norbert Gronau
Chair for Business Informatics, Processes and Systems | University of Potsdam
Prof. Norbert Gronau heads the Center for Industry 4.0 and holds the Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems at the University of Potsdam.
Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass
Chief Technology Officer ZIP
Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass ist CTO des Zentrums Industrie 4.0 Potsdam (ZIP4.0). Hier ist er insbesondere für die technische Ausgestaltung und Architektur der dortigen Modellfabrik zuständig
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