
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau launched the competition for the ERP system of the year in 2007 and has chaired the jury ever since. He holds the chair for business informatics, processes and systems at the University of Potsdam , publishes various scientific journals and is the scientific director of the Center for Enterprise Research (CER) located at the Potsdam chair . In addition, he initiated the Center Industry 4.0 Potsdam – a laboratory for entrepreneurs, researchers, pioneers and educational institutions. Since 2007 he has also been a member of acatech (German Academy of Science and Technology), which advises the federal government on Industry 4.0 and future issues.

Susanne Strahringer
Susanne Strahringer holds the chair for business informatics, especially information systems in industry and trade at the Faculty of Economics at the TU Dresden. In research and teaching, she deals with issues relating to the introduction and operation of application systems in connection with the associated management decisions. In addition to business software, she deals with methods of business modeling. She is the author of numerous publications and editor of specialist journals.
TU Dresden
Phone: +49 351 463 34990

Prof. Dr. Axel Winkelmann
Prof. Dr. Axel Winkelmann holds the chair for business administration and business informatics at the Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg. There he deals with issues relating to the design and management of business software systems, particularly in the area of enterprise resource planning. Prof. Winkelmann is the author of numerous books related to business software systems. With around 150 publications, he is an international expert in organizational and application system design.
University of Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 318 9640

Reinhard Schütte
Reinhard Schütte holds the chair for business informatics and integrated information systems at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In research and teaching he deals with enterprise systems and the management of large enterprise systems. The economic and sociological understanding of application systems in companies is also discussed. He was also responsible for the introduction of large ERP systems in companies. In addition to enterprise systems, he deals with the transformation of companies and scientific-theoretical problems. He is the author of numerous articles and books.
University of Duisburg-Essen
Faculty of Economics
Phone: +49 201 18 34061
Media Representatives

Christof Kerkmann
Christof Kerkmann has been working at Handelsblatt in the Companies and Markets department as a reporter for the IT industry since 2012. His areas of focus include technology companies such as SAP, Microsoft and Salesforce as well as trends in digitization. The editor studied journalism and economics at the University of Dortmund.

Helmuth Gümbel
Helmuth Gümbel heads Strategy Partners in the German-speaking region. He is widely known as one of the most critical and experienced market observers and is recognized as an expert on SAP and its strategies. Before Helmuth Gümbel founded Strategy Partners International together with Rory Staunton, he was a program director at Gartner. There he founded both the research activities in the software area in Europe and the analyzes in the application area. In 2009, he began designing the series of Sapience events that highlighted vendor-independent trends and challenges in the SAP market. Since the winter semester of 2011, he has also been a lecturer at the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Strategy Partners International
Phone: +41 8186 00 310

Bettina Voigt
Bettina Voigt has been a consultant for INFOSOFT Vendor-neutral Softwareberatung AG for many years and supports medium-sized companies in the selection and introduction of business software – especially ERP systems. This includes, among other things, the process and requirements analysis, the creation of specifications and independent selection advice as well as IT project controlling during the software implementation. She also brings this experience to the restructuring of IT projects in trouble.
INFOSOFT Vendor-neutral Softwareberatung AG
Phone: +49 40 86626011

Benedict Bender
Benedict Bender advises companies on IT strategy and organization. As a Trusted Advisor, he accompanies industrial and commercial companies in transformation projects. The further development of existing business models, with specialization in platform-based business models, is of particular importance. Mr. Bender has extensive practical experience in international management, IT strategy and technology consulting. The practical transfer of his research results is achieved, among other things, through his activities as a management consultant, coach and author.
Email: benedict.bender @ wi.uni

Karin Henkel
Karin Henkel has many years of professional experience in IT consulting, market research and communication. She is an in-depth knowledge of the ERP and IT services market. She has conducted numerous market studies in these areas and is the author and co-author of studies and white papers dealing with ERP and IT services. She is Senior Research Director at Strategy Partners International Limited in Switzerland. She has been Managing Director of sapientia (Berlin and Boston) since 2009.